(Deutsch) A Thousand Years – Christina Perri

  • Course level: Beginner


Träumen Sie von einer schönen und leicht zu erlernenden Choreografie für Ihren ersten Tanz? Das ist der richtige Kurs für Sie! Lernen Sie diese Choreografie von Grund auf, wo und wann Sie möchten – bequem und ohne Zeitlimit. Zusätzlich bieten wir Ihnen eine 7-tägige Zufriedenheitsgarantie und unbegrenzten Zugang zum Kurs. Beginnen Sie noch heute mit dem Tanzen zu Hause und wir sehen uns auf der Tanzfläche!

Unlimited access

You can learn from wherever and whenever you want - 24/7

Available on any device

You can learn on your laptop, tablet or a smartphone

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Full refund is possible within 7 days of purchase



What Will I Learn?

  • Sie werden wunderschöne Choreografien lernen
  • Sie werden wundervolle, lebenslange Erinnerungen und wunderschöne Bilder haben
  • Sie werden Ihre Gäste begeistern
  • Sie lernen die Geheimnisse des Führens und Folgens kennen
  • Sie lernen nützliche Figuren und Tanzbewegungen
  • Sie lernen, wie Sie sich auf der Tanzfläche wohlfühlen und natürlich aussehen
  • Sie erhalten uneingeschränkten Zugang zum Kurs

Topics for this course

13 Lessons1h 45m

Einführung und Starttipps

Wie man die Choreografie effektiv lernt2:10
Tipps zur Tanzhaltung1:01

Choreografie, getanzt zum Zählen und zur Musik

Teil 1

Teil 2

Teil 3

Teil 4

Teil 5

Lifts alternatives

Letzter Teil

Ihr Hochzeitstanzlied

Student Feedback


Total 1 Ratings

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Material Includes

  • 5 Teile des Tutorials: 1 Stunde 30 Min.
  • Länge der Choreographie: 2 Min. 30 Sek
  • Hebt Alternativen
  • Checkliste und Tipps für den ersten Tanz
  • 7-tägige Zufriedenheitsgarantie oder Rückerstattung
  • Möglichkeit, Feedback zu erhalten


  • Empfohlene min. Studienzeit: 3 Wochen
  • Internet Zugang

Target Audience

  • Sie suchen eine schöne und leicht zu erlernende Choreografie für Ihren ersten Tanz
  • Sie möchten Ihre Gäste bezaubern
  • Sie möchten nicht zu viel bezahlen und Zeit mit dem Pendeln verschwenden
  • Sie legen Wert auf Unabhängigkeit und Komfort
  • Sie möchten eine Zufriedenheitsgarantie erhalten

Our students opinions

“We highly recommend the course! A very large selection of choreography, the course and individual lessons arranged in a thoughtful way allow you to learn choreography from basics without the necessary dance experience. In addition, nice and quick contact with Anna and Matt, who are happy to help if you have any questions 🙂 ”
Joanna & Przemek
“Highly recommended 🙂 Thanks to online lessons, we learned our first dance in 1.5 weeks! This couple rocks!! Simple steps and clearly explained 😉 The routine is beautiful and uncomplicated 🙂 I think that thanks to such a quick course, our first dance was one of our most beautiful dances. Hardly any of the wedding guests believed that we were learning on our own without any help on the side. We will remember our exercises in the apartment for a long time ^^ I highly recommend this lovely couple! <3”
Mariola & Simon
“We highly recommend! We chose the choreography for "All of me". Lessons with Anna and Matt are pure pleasure! Everything explained step by step. We liked the humor with which you pass on knowledge. Now that we're married, we miss those lessons in humor. The guests loved the choreography and we have a keepsake to last forever.”
Agnes & Philip
“I highly recommend the dance course with Anna and Matt. I didn't think you could learn choreography from an online lesson, but with Dance From Home it's possible! Each step is thoroughly explained, the lessons are short and pleasant. We are super pleased. Everyone asked where we went to learn to dance 🙂 We recommend it!”
Carolina & Mac
“It was great learning. The choreography was easy and beautiful. In 2 weeks we had the whole thing covered, and it was an achievement because we are not very dancing people, you know ... It turned out to be a fairy tale, a beautiful dance. Thank you for a very nice course! Highly recommended!”
Natalie & Kamil
We had a wonderful time learning because we only had two weeks until the wedding, so it was fast-paced. 7:00 p.m., kids went to sleep, a bottle of red wine and off we went. There were nerves because we couldn't get it right, but everything was explained so clearly that we played it maybe 20 times and it worked out. Despite the many dance schools I watched, you were the best. Why? Because your choreographies are not difficult and for those people who have stiff legs, everything becomes possible 😀 It was a breeze! Thank you very much! :)”
Dorothy & Peter
"The guests shouted with joy and gave us a standing ovation - they said that we did great. Everyone was delighted and asked where we learned it - they did not believe that we learnet it from the Internet. Even my dad cried with emotion, and he never cries. The choreography was so laid back and we were dancing for ourselves."
Martha & Yuri
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